Sunday, December 9, 2012

Project Aspen: Main protagonist.

After we finished the factory moodpaint, we started to experiment with different shapes for our little robot that is going to fight the evil at the end of the game (sorry, no spoilers!). We decided to start from our main character and build the world around it. We decided to go for a robot, because it can be modified and upgraded, a big feature of our game. For pitching, I created a concept for the robot in World 7, where it is getting quite buff. Its final version will be somewhat more disheveled,  but just to make it easy for my partner-in-crime, who is going to model the character, I created the robot to be a bit more 'clean'.

I started thumbing, and from all these, we choose the most visually striking, and went on from there.

The final versions are like this:

Project Aspen: Factory.

A friend of mine and me decided a while ago to start our own company. DOME (Dawn of Man Entertainment) will focus on entertainment games and high quality Apps and applied games.

Our pet project goes by the code name of Aspen.
Hereby I present one of the first concepts I did for The Factory, in which the story will take place. It was one of the first tries we did, so this look is just an exploratory one. More will follow on this game as we go, we are setting up as we speak, so I will keep you posted!

Boredom Sketch...

After working in a job I detested just to get some money back into my coffers, I'm back to working on my skills full-time. I did not piss all my time away, though, during boring parts I had some time to doodle an environment for a fantasy world that I want to create some concepts for. I was somewhat constrained by the paper, I wanted to have a more broad field of view. The first sketch turned out ok, so I'll post it here.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dutch Assassin.

A while ago, with Assassin's Creed III coming up, I was wondering what the assassin from the Assassin's Creed series by Ubisoft would look like if the series is set in the Low Countries of the17th century, which is known in the Netherlands as 'The Golden Century'.

I started doodling some designs and I finally painted this one, based on one of the sketches. If I was to pitch this to Ubisoft, I also had a small premise prepared.

In 1640's Amsterdam, the city is a hotbed of activity, mainly due to the VOC, the Dutch East India Company. Little do the people know, but the VOC is actually a Templar front, set up to cash in on the spice monopoly and erode the Republic from the inside out. You are Adriaen Arendz. , a descendant of the Assassins from Antwerp, a city firmly in Spanish hands. You are to stop the VOC and the stadtholder, who seek to dominate and enslave the population.

Gameplay can take place in a variety of cities in the Low Countries, but mostly Amsterdam. Playable cities may include Utrecht (the religious centre at that time), Antwerp, and Brussels (the seat of Spanish government). Cities added for eye-candy can include Bruges and Ghent.

Assassin's Creed, the Assassin logo, and all its respective trademarks, of course, belong to Ubisoft.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Properly drawn star.

Last year, I decided to give a friend a belated birthday gift. However, due to my schedule, I only worked on it for small spats and it took me almost so long for her birthday to roll round again... Finally, I just declared it to be done, but there are still spots that I can tweak...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Concept Art 1.

A good friend of mine, who is a modeller, asked me to make a concept of a monster that is half mechanical and half organic, and which would challenge him in both 3D modelling skills and Zbrush use. This is what I came up with.

First post.

Since everybody has a blog these days, I thought I'd start one as well, just to publish my work for myself and to sort of force myself to draw something every day. Here are the first ones, the result of a sketchmeet drawing gone out of hand. We set it upon ourselves to genderbend our favourite character. Mine is Link from The Legend of Zelda series, and I kind of got a bit carried away with the final rendering.
I have to put more black in my drawings, it makes the drawing work better. I eventually want to ink these like Frank Cho does.

And where's Link without Ganon? Here, just after the moment of transforming. The blob on the floor is the Flare Dancer from the Fire Temple. To get this one, watch The Real Legend 3 and 4 on

I should draw Zelda, too. I am still in the dark whether to just draw Sheik, or to 'genderswap' both of them...